McLaren Parade, Port Adelaide SA 5015

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Generally Rotary will run several youth training voyages on the One & All (SA) and The Enterprize (Vic). Both voyages are for five or four days and are timed to run in the school holidays.

One & All (South Australia)
Sunday 29 September – Thursday 3 October  2024
Sunday 13 April – Thursday 17th April 2025

The Enterprize (Victoria)
Spring holidays – Sept 21- Sept 24
Summer holidays – Jan 4 – Jan 7
Autumn holidays – April 5 – Apr 8

The voyages commence at 8:45 am and students their parents, Rotary mentors, corporate sponsors and friends will gather on the wharf at 8 a.m. for a little ceremony where students, corporate sponsors and Rotary club mentors will be recognised by the Rotary District Governor. The vessel (One and All) will then sail down Gulf St Vincent into Investigator Strait and along some of the northern coast of Kangaroo Island. Weather permitting the vessel’s zodiacs will take the students ashore for a beach visit before the return trip to Port Adelaide. The vessel will probably take a somewhat different route returning to Port Adelaide.

All Rotary students will be allocated a Rotary club and a Rotarian to be their mentor. The Club mentor will meet and get to know their student and be at the wharf to see them depart on the Sunday morning and if possible greet them on their return on Thursday afternoon. Some students, beside their Rotary Club attachment will also be connected to a corporate Rotary sponsor, a business which sees the value as a Rotary training experience gives to the community, the individual students and their company.

On returning the student will be expected to make a 20 minute presentation about their experiences and what they gained from the voyage to their Rotary Club at one of the club’s meetings. If applicable this student may also be asked to give a similar presentation to their corporate sponsor.