McLaren Parade, Port Adelaide SA 5015

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About the ONE & ALL


The One & All is owned and maintained by the South Australian government and operated by the Friends of the One & All Sailing Ship Inc. This is a registered not-for-profit community organization whose members are dedicated to the operation of South Australia’s sailing tall ship, STV One & All. Their aim is to support the continued activities of the ship and maximize the benefits the ship brings to people of South Australia, and the wider Australian community. The group who receive the greatest benefit from the One & All is our youth by way of the youth development voyages.

Catherine Rogers BBSc. recently completed a thesis evaluating Youth Development Sail Training aboard the One & All, for her Honors Degree in Behavioural Science at Flinders University. This is an extract from her Summary:


“It was found that the Program provided the framework for personal development through participant interaction with the sailing environment. Participants were responsible not only for themselves, but for the care and safety of others; thus the intensity of the interdependent community led to a strong social experience. Key elements in the success of the Programme included the restricted physical environment and hence the inability to walk away, the development of the learning environment by the crew, and specifically the recruitment of crew through the volunteer association, thereby selecting enthusiastic, committed people with the personality types most suited to facilitation and guidance.”


Rotary Youth Sailing Voyages are available to all students who are 15 to under 19 years of age. These Voyages have proven to be of great benefit to students whose schooling is affected because they are low in self-confidence and/or have a tendency to be shy and retiring.