McLaren Parade, Port Adelaide SA 5015

Views: 82

Student Eligibility


The requirements are –

  • They are 15 and under 19 years age
  • Their teacher or group leader or someone who knows them well feels they will gain considerable benefit from a training voyage on the One & All or The Enterprize.
  • Without sponsorship it is unlikely the student would be able to go on a One & All or The Enterprize training voyage.
  • A student who has previously been on a Tall Ship training voyage cannot apply.

There are a number of options a club has in obtaining a student to sponsor.  We recommend the club does this themselves if possible.

  • One of the most successful ways to do this has been by somebody who knows the student well recommending their participation. This could be through a teacher at a school the club works with, a coach of a sporting team the student is in or the leader of a group such as scouts where the student participates.
  • A second method is for someone in a Rotary club who knows a young person well and feels they would be suitable (could be a relative) nominating them.
  • A third method is for a club who feels they are unable to locate a student themselves or who have failed to find a suitable one to ask the committee to locate one for them. The committee through “Friends of the One & All” has contacts in many schools and other groups and is generally able to locate a good student living or going to school not far from your Rotary club.
  • Whichever selection methods a club chooses to find a student it is strongly recommended a small group from the club interview the student to ensure they are happy with the candidate.
  • The secret of the program’s success lies in the variety of students sailing on each voyage. Students from a range of socio-economic backgrounds, race, culture and religion are selected. Some disadvantaged students, wards of the state and foster students, are also selected
  • All students benefit greatly from the challenges they face and overcome but we do see enormous changes for the better in the less confident and disadvantaged young people. For many their lives are reset on a much more positive course.

  • Each watch contains a mixture of students. The watch leaders are not given details of their students’ backgrounds and consequently treat all in exactly the same way. The students then treat each other as equals.

  • We would urge clubs to look for those young people who show promise but lack confidence and self-esteem. These are the students who will not themselves put their names forward to join the voyage. They are the ones who need a tap on the shoulder and a little encouragement to go.